Back to Arbitrators

William W. Park

Gender Male
Country Switzerland
Second Country United States
Year of birth 1947
OECD member Yes

Number of cases in which have they been involved

Cases in which this arbitrator has been involved, divided into claimant-appointed, respondent-appointed, or presiding arbitrator

As president Claimant/appointed Respondent/appointed Total
13 12 1 26

Additional information about nationality

Frequency with which this arbitrator has been appointed by claimants/respondents of the same/different nationality as the arbitrator

This arbitrator has been appointed by claimant 0% (0) of times from parties of the SAME country
This arbitrator has been appointed by claimant 100% (10) of times from parties of the DIFFERENT countries
This arbitrator has been appointed by respondent 0% (0) of times from parties of the SAME country
This arbitrator has been appointed by respondent 100% (1) of times from parties of the DIFFERENT countries

Claimants' countries

Nationalities of the claimants appointing this arbitrator

Country No. of times
Netherlands 1
United States 1
Australia 1
Cyprus 1
Hungary 1
United Kingdom 1
Russian Federation 1
Mexico 1
Turkey 1
Korea, Republic of 1

Respondents' countries

Nationalities of the respondent States appointing this arbitrator

Country No. of times
Korea, Republic of 1

Appointed as President Arbitrator (13 case/s)

Cases in which this arbitrator was appointed as presiding arbitrator

Case Appointed by Law firms

World Wide Minerals
Appointed by agreement of the parties Reed Smith, London, U.K. Reed Smith, Astana, Kazakhstan Jones Day, Washington D.C., USA

Les Laboratoires Servier, S.A.S., Biofarma, S.A.S., Arts et Techniques du Progres S.A.S.
Unknown Allen & Overy, London, U.K. Allen & Overy, Warsaw, Poland Główny Urząd Prokuratorii Generalnej, Warsaw, Poland SCP Salans & Associés, Paris , France Salans D. Oleszczuk Kancelaria Prawnicza sp. K., Warsaw, Poland
SCC Case No V 2015/095
Greentech Energy Systems A/S, NovEnergia II Energy & Environment (SCA) SICAR, and NovEnergia II Italian Portfolio SA
Appointed by agreement of appointed arbitrators Unknown King & Spalding, Paris, France King & Spalding, Houston, TX, U.S.A. King & Spalding, Atlanta, U.S.A Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, Milan and Rome, Italy
Viaduct d.o.o. Portorož, Vladimir Zevnik and Boris Goljevšček
Alapli Elektrik B.V.
Appointed by designated appointing authority Sidley Austin, Washington, D.C., U.S.A Latham & Watkins, London, U.K. Latham & Watkins, Hamburg, Germany Volterra Fietta, London, U.K.
Electricidad Argentina S.A. and EDF International S.A.
Appointed by designated appointing authority Procurador del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina Clifford Chance Europe
Sodexo Pass International SAS
Appointed by agreement of the parties DLA Piper, New York, NY, U.S.A Horváth and Partners Law Firm DLA Piper, Budapest, Hungary Simmons & Simmons, Paris, France Szecskay Attorneys at Law, Budapest, Hungary
EDF International S.A., SAUR International S.A. and León Participaciones Argentinas S.A.
Appointed by designated appointing authority Procuradora del Tesoro de la Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina Arnold & Porter, Washington, D.C., U.S.A
ICSID Case No ARB/13/20
Interocean Oil Development Company and Interocean Oil Exploration Company
Appointed by agreement of the parties Aare Afe Babalola, Lagos, Nigeria Rose Rameau, Accra, Ghana Volterra Fietta, London, U.K. Addie & Co, London, U.K. Ajumogobia & Okeke, Lagos, Nigeria Bello Salihu, Lagos, Nigeria Oba Nsugbe, London, U.K.
Impresa Grassetto S. p. A., in liquidation
Appointed by agreement of party-appointed arbitrators Eversheds, Paris, France Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ljubljana, Slovenia Jean-François Boucly, Paris, France Alexander Marx, Paris, France
ICSID Case No ARB/10/4
Antoine Abou Lahoud and Leila Bounafeh-Abou Lahoud
Appointed by agreement of the parties Emery Mukendi Wafwana & Associés, Kinshasa, Congo Derains & Gharavi, Paris, France
Ömer Dede and Serdar Elhüseyni
Standard Chartered Bank

Appointed as Claimants Arbitrator (12 case/s)

Cases in which this arbitrator was appointed by claimants

Case Law firms
Shinhan Engineering & Construction Co.
Nurol İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. Squire Patton Boggs, Paris, France Squire Patton Boggs, Prague, Czech Republic Kabine Law
PCA Case No 2019-17
Rogelio Barrenechea Cuenca, Antonio Cosío Ariño, Luis de Garay Russ and others
Abogacía General del Estado, Ministerio de Justicia, Madrid, Spain Kirkland & Ellis LLP
PCA Case No 2019-48
Russian Fund for the Protection of Investors’ Rights in Foreign States
Ministry of Finance, Vilnius, Republic of Lithuania Alston & Bird, New York, USA Egorov Puginsky Afanasiev and Partners, Moscow, Russian Federation
InfraRed Environmental Infrastructure GP Limited and others
Abogacía General del Estado, The Ministry of Justice of the Government of Spain Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, Madrid, Spain
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company Plc
Kılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi
Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt and Mosle, Paris, France Gürel Yörüker Law Firm, Istanbul, Turkey Volterra Fietta, London, U.K. Yasemin Cetinel, Istanbul, Turkey
CEAC Holdings Limited
Moravcevié Vojnovié & Partners, Belgrade, Serbia Schönherr Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Vienna, Austria King & Spalding, London, U.K.
Michael Dagher
Aiman Odeh, London, U.K. Derains & Gharavi, Paris, France Matrix Chambers, London, U.K. Winston & Strawn, Geneva, Switzerland
ICSID Case No ARB/13/25
Tullow Uganda Operations Pty Ltd and Tullow Uganda Limited
TECO Guatemala Holdings, LLC
Shell Nigeria Ultra Deep Limited
Alegeh & Co, Abuja, Nigeria Clifford Chance, Amsterdam, Netherlands